One of the ways that D-E “meet[s] the challenges of a changing world and make[s] it better” is through the various green initiatives in which each division of our school partakes. Supporting these initiatives is done through a three-pronged approach — through our curriculum both inside and outside of the classroom, various student-run initiatives and clubs, and a green-oriented campus. All divisions are active in making the school a greener place, from the Pollution Stoppers in the Lower School to the DIG classes and Garden Club in the Middle School, to the Environmental Science classes and the Environmental Club in the Upper School. We invite you to explore this website to learn more.
Upcoming Events:
April 12 – Spring Garden Work Party
May 8 – Environmental Club Assembly
May 10 – Garden celebration, featuring Mr. Armitage’s band
Recent News
Volunteers Prepare Garden for Winter at Annual Fall Work Party
On Sunday, November 17, over twenty students, parents, and members of the faculty and staff gathered to prepare the garden for the winter. The biggest job was gathering up the nets, cages, and trellises that had been left behind after the fall harvest. Although this...
Environmental Club Trip to Tenafly Nature Center
By Shreya PatelOn November 7, the Environmental Club hosted a field trip to the Tenafly Nature Center for an invasive species removal event. The initiative aimed to combat the growing threat of invasive plants that disrupt the natural ecosystem, halting native plant...
Garden Club Plants Garlic at CFA Garden
On Thursday 10/17, the Upper School Garden Club organized a field trip to the Center for Food Action Garden in Englewood, NJ. This garden, maintained by a group of volunteers, many of them D-E students who help out over the summer, provides fresh, organic produce to...
DIG Class Visits the Museum of Natural History
On Tuesday October 15, the seventh grade DIG (Dwight-Englewood in the Garden) class went on a field trip to the American Museum of Natural History to learn about the important role that insects play in a variety of ecosystems. This comes as part of a narrower unit on...
Honey Harvest Attracts Audience From All 3 Divisions
On Tuesday October 1, the Upper School Garden Club hosted the annual Honey Harvest. All divisions were in attendance, with the room being packed during all four sessions of the event. As usual, there was a lesson about the life cycle and importance of bees by the...
Fall Classes in the Nettie Coit Garden Begin — in all Three Divisions
Teachers have wasted no time this fall in bringing students up to the garden to take advantage of the late-summer ecosystem. From sixth graders practicing their observational skills for science and understanding ancient grains for history, to dig students serving...
US Garden Club Completes Rehabilitation of Lower School Garden Bed
The US Garden Club has been working hard over the past few weeks to rehabilitate the Lower School Garden, which had effectively been left fallow since the departure of long-time LS science teacher and avid gardener Beth Lemire. Now, the Garden Club has successfully...
US Garden Club Expands Relationship with CFA
On April 12, the Garden Club took a field trip to the organic vegetable garden at the Center for Food Action. While the Sixth Grade has a long-standing relationship with the CFA, having been the ones to originally construct this garden, this was the first organized...
APES Class visits Columbia Earth Observatory, Water Treatment Plant, and Solar Farm
This Spring, the AP Environmental Science class went on three field trips to get some firsthand experience with various aspects of Environmental Science. The first trip was to the Columbia Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory and to the Hudson River Field Station,...
Earth Week Overview
The Environmental Club’s Earth Week schedule, which spanned from April 21st to April 26th, featured an array of activities to fuel environmental awareness in the school community. Events included a planting and pot decorating activity at the annual Spring Carnival, a...