Eastern European Affinity provides students of Eastern European descent the ability to share the cultures, languages and histories of their countries/peoples, as well as relevant current events, in a safe space consisting of people sharing similar backgrounds. We are also a service-oriented organization, providing aid to those affected by the War in Ukraine.

*Affinity Groups in the Upper School are student-initiated spaces where members who identify with a social and/or cultural identifier gather to affirm their identity. These spaces of reflection, celebration, and support inspire confidence and development, which help enhance members’ experience in and contributions to the broader Dwight-Englewood community.

Contact Information:

glozml@d-e.org – Leonard Glozman

akrolick26@d-e.org – Avery Krolick

tiflib@d-e.org – Brandon Tiflinsky

lehmaa@d-e.org – Amanda Lehman

ddelyusto25@d-e.org – Daniela Delyusto

ppopabratu26@d-e.org – Stefan Popa-Bratu


Faculty Advisor:

tokari@d-e.org – Dr. Tokar