Eastern European Culture Club provides its members with the opportunity to learn about the cultures, languages and histories of various Eastern European countries. We also discuss relevant current events. As an organization, we stand with the people of both Russia and Ukraine during this turbulent time, and seek to help all civilians who are being affected by the War in Ukraine through our service projects.

Contact Information:
glozml@d-e.org – Leonard Glozman
akrolick26@d-e.org – Avery Krolick
tiflib@d-e.org – Brandon Tiflinsky
lehmaa@d-e.org – Amanda Lehman
ddelyusto25@d-e.org – Daniela Delyusto
ppopabratu26@d-e.org – Stefan Popa-Bratu
Faculty Advisor:
tokari@d-e.org – Dr. Tokar