Science Olympiad

The D-E Science Olympiad Team is a club that competes at the New Jersey Science Olympiad, a regional science competition. The competition involves a series of 23 team events focused on different scientific disciplines, including  “Life, Personal & Social Science,”...


The STAR (Science, Technology, Astronomy and Rocketry) Club aims to provide a space where students can come to discuss any aspect of the universe in which we live. We discuss innovations in science, particularly those pertaining to astronomy and rocketry, as well as...

Environmental Club

The Environmental Club aims at raising awareness throughout the school community about environmental issues, climate changes, and how to improve sustainable practices in all aspects of campus life. In our weekly meetings, members will discuss and exchange their...

Robotics Team (FIRST Tech Challenge)

The Dwight-Englewood robotics teams, FTC Team 207 and FTC Team 13048, strive to cultivate in each member a spirit of innovation, collaboration, and responsibility in promoting technology and robotics in the local community, and seeks to exemplify FIRST’s guiding...

Math Team

The D-E Math Team strives to promote enjoyment of recreational mathematics throughout the D-E community, as well as to provide all club members opportunities to participate in mathematics competitions at the local, state and national levels. Contact Information:...

Women in STEM Education (WISE)

This club is made to encourage girls, of all ages, to explore the field of math, science, engineering, and technology. We will be conducting field trips and workshops that teach STEM. This club may evolve into a community service club where we teach elementary school...