Sep 16, 2023 | School Life, US Activities
Tour Guides give campus tours and share their unique student experiences with prospective Middle and Upper School families. Tour Guides can also participate in various admissions events throughout the year. We are currently recruiting from Grades 10-12 this year....
Sep 16, 2023 | Publications, US Activities
Calliope is the English-language literary and arts magazine published annually each spring by the Upper School students at the Dwight-Englewood School. The club meets weekly throughout the year to workshop submissions. During review, names are withheld in an effort to...
Sep 16, 2020 | Interest, US Activities
In the Real Estate Club, students will learn various important concepts and principles of Real Estate. During the first semester, the club will focus on Real Estate in a more broad, national sense and learn about the profession as a whole. Students will see what it...
Sep 15, 2023 | Publications, US Activities
Spectrum, the official newspaper of Dwight-Englewood, built on values of transparency and integrity, publishes weekly updates on school news and serves as a forum for student voices. Contact Information: – Asher Cohen –...
Sep 16, 2020 | Identity, US Activities
East Asian Affinity* Contact Information: | Ella Siew – Nick Rhee – Emma Hsu – Miles McKoy – Sophia Yue – Owen Montes –...
Sep 15, 2023 | Identity, US Activities
As a community of African-American students, the Black Affinity Group strives to foster in each student a passion for identity, community, and fellowship. We seek to create a safe space for our members while also working towards diversity, inclusivity, and equity in...