The D-E Science Olympiad Team is a club that competes at the New Jersey Science Olympiad, a regional science competition. The competition involves a series of 23 team events focused on different scientific disciplines, including “Life, Personal & Social Science,” “Earth and Space Science,” “Physical Science and Chemistry,” “Technology and Engineering,” and “Inquiry & Nature of Science.” Each event requires distinct skills such as essay-writing, structural building, test-taking, or engineering skills. The labs can generally be separated into three categories: Study, Build, or Lab. Emphasis is placed on hands-on group participation. With such a variety of focuses, students of all interests and strengths will be able to contribute to the team and learn new skills with their fellow team members.
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Contact Information: – Jack Boghossian – Sydney Mallow – Dia Tanwar – Maiyisha Ulysse
Faculty Advisor: – Ms. Burak – Ms. van’t Slot